Fully Customizable:
Surveys and workflow are made to client specifications on layout, content, edit checks, and visit schedules.
Define a Custom Set of User Types:
Set user type permission to control access to protocols, site, subject lists, menu items, and features.
Set Workflow and Collect Cleaner Data:
NEForm was made to mold with existing workflows while also significantly increasing efficiency and data cleanliness.
Your Choice of Devices:
NEForm can be deployed to tablets or smartphones running iOS or Android. Studies can even use a mix of both.
Fully Native:
Complete functionality offline, eliminating the most common complaints in eSource data collection, speed, and connectivity.
Forms Optimized for Mobile:
Entering data with NEForm is fast, intuitive, and accurate and takes advantage of controls native to a device such as the
camera and the microphone.
Full Range of Form Controls:
textbox fields, radiolists, and checkboxes. NEForm can also capture signatures, pictures, stylus drawzones, and audiorecordings.
Real-time Validation:
Edit checks are applied in real-time at point of entry to improve accuracy and completeness of form data,
and compliance with study protocol. Fields can be auto-populated from an existing database or pulled from
other forms in the study to eliminate inconsistencies and redundant data entry.
NEForm records full audit trails on all user interactions, pre- and post-submission.
Query System:
Users can be given permission to create or resolve queries on data that has already been submitted.
View Real-time Data:
eSource data capture makes it possible for Sponsors and monitors to access the most up-to-date data.
Datasets can be viewed or downloaded any time through our WebApp.
Easy Mid-Study Changes:
Implementing and deploying changes to forms and workflow is made painless with NEForm's nimble design system.
Devices automatically implement the changes without an app update.